Haidian Island Beach

On Haidian Island in Haikou we have our own beach which is about 20 min. walk from where I am living. It is not the most beautiful beach on Hainan nor the cleanest but people like to come out to watch the waves, play in the water or search for mussels between the stones on low tide beside the beach.

During Spring Festival the beach was even crowded with people who came out to enjoy the sunshine.

One day suddenly these huge sand vacuum cleaners arrived on the beach and started sucking away the sand.

Since this day it became clear why they built this long contrete wall in the sea because the machines are working nearly night and day sucking away the sand spraying it over the wall into the huge basin they cut from the sea with the wall. Soon this basin will be filled with sand and they can start building more appartment houses on the newly recovered land.

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Suzhou, City of Gardens and Channels

A very beautiful city in China is Suzhou. You can find it about 80km west of Shanghai. Even if it is not so easy to find it on a normal european map it has about 6.7 million residents together with its suburbs. Suzhou is surrounded by lakes and channels and the city is famous for its parks and gardens.

If you are brave enough you should  travel around in Suzhou by bus. I can promise that it is worth giving a try 😉 Even though the busses might be very full sometimes the people are always very polite and patient. When the bus starts please make sure you have stable hold! Even in China I have never before seen bus drivers driving as if they take part in the Paris-Dakar Ralley but in Suzhou you find them 😀

When I came to China the first time I was still living in Switzerland. With this background it was quite amazing to see the chinese traffic. There is only one word which could describe it: Free Style! It took me some time to recognize that the freestyle driving didn’t seem to result in many more accidents because I could hardly see any damaged or scratched cars driving around. It seems to work if everybody is driving with the same idea of traffic in his mind. But until now I could not find statistics which could confirm my feelings.

There are two things you should do when you visit Suzhou. First of all visit some of the beautiful gardens.

And if you have some time left make a boat tour on the channels which surround the old city center.

A walk in on of the older quarters of Suzhou is very nice too.

When you are lucky you can see a Chinese Opera in the street for free. If you have a good stomach buy a snack from the dealers which are probably around and have a relaxed opera evening.

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One Child Policy

China is a big country with more than 1.3 Billion people.

The rate in which the population used to be growing according to chairman Mao’s policy that every family should have as many children as possible for the chinese revolution turned out to be quiet problematic.

To counter the uncontrollable increase of the population Deng Xiaoping and the Chinese Kommunist Party established the One-Child Policy in 1979 which is still effective and seems to control the population growth quite well.

But to live with this policy is not always easy for the people. China is a country with very family oriented people where the family has a strong social responsibility. If someone has no job or is retired he is supported by his family because the social system in China can only be described as basic up to the time of this writing.

When two people get married in China, traditionally it is said that one family looses a daughter and the other family wins one because the wife belongs to the family of her husband now. This is one reason why most chinese families love to have sons. The establishment of the One-Child-Policy amplified abortions in families who got the news that they will get a girl.

This was such a bad practice that nowadays doctors are not allowed any more to tell the becoming parents the sex of their offspring in advance.

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Empty streets in China

Once a friend who had a look at my China pictures asked me how much time I have spent to erase all the crowds from my images using Photoshop. 🙂 Actually when you grow up in Europe you always think China must be crowded beyond belief because the chinese population is somewhat around 1.3 billion people. But since I traveled through China and live here I cannot understand this idea any more.

You can find places which are crowded and there are times when all the people seem to be on the street at the same time but this is not different than in Europe. If here its crowded around the chinese Spring Festival it is about the same as if you try to go shopping in Europe on a saturday before christmas.

I have assembled some street impressions from my photos:

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One of my passions are boats. In the past I had several boats by myself and hope I can buy one again in the future.

Even though I am more attached to motorboats one of my all-time favourite boats is a schooner, the Virginia:

More infos about the rebuild of this beautiful classic can be found at www.tricoastal.com

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