Nice to live in China

It is very nice to live in China!

The weather during the last days on Hainan was around 34°C so you don’t have to freeze.

The food is not expensive, even though I have no idea about the quality because it seems not to be controlled who puts what on the plants, into the animals or products.

And I don’t have to fear too much disturbance from the internet. Most of the time I am not able to see pages like wordpress or other blogs, I have no access to my twitter account and confusing political statements about human rights like the ones from anmesty international are by courtesy of the chinese government completely taken out of the internet information stream.

In exchange I am living on a beautiful island in the south of China as can be seen on this picture I found:

The question is: Is it as real as the rest of the living in China?

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Uprising of the Internt Citizens in Germany

During the last weeks it could be seen that the rift between the “internet generation” which grew up with computers, internet and mobile communication and the elder generation which rules the country and tries to control these modern communication facilities to death, even when they violate the democratic basic law as colateral damage, is much deeper than expected.

Statements of politicians which reveal their lack of technical understanding like the one of the minister of justice Zypries: “Browser? What is still a browser?” or that the minister for economic affairs von Guttenberg in an TV interview declared the over 100.000 signers of a petition against internet filtering as near child abusers, shows clearly the ignorance of the politicians in Germany towards about 20% of the german population (by rule of thumb from the article Die Generation C64 schlägt zurück).

I want to express my kudos to the internet community in Germany which, in contrast to the german politicians, discussed the situation based on facts (and didn’t invent them!), realized that the internet filtering in the form the politicians requested is absolutely against the german basic laws and stood up and started a democratic process to fight this plan to establish uncontrolled internet filtering even in the danger to be moved close to criminals by the politicians who want to defend this bill.

There is no place for internet agnostic politicians in the modern world any more. This could be seen in the election of Barak Obama in the USA and this should be learned from the fast organisation of opposition against this bill as well. The young generation is uprising, claims its democratic rights and is ready to stand for these rights also for the internet.

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Demagogy in Germany

In Germany the bill to establish internet filtering against child pornography has started a big dispute between politicians and several organisations and a huge part of internet users.

As could be expected an emotional highly charded issue like child pornography was the right vehicle to suppress an unemotional democratic discussion about internet filtering when drawn into the same context. As a result the media is full of demagogic statements from involved politicians which act already with one eye onto the upcoming elections in september this year as can be read on

As demagogy has a long history in Germany I wanted to add two quotes from one of the internationally most recognized experts in this domain:

“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”

Dr. Joseph Göbbels, Minister of propaganda for the German Third Reich

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political,
economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Dr. Joseph Göbbels, Minister of propaganda for the German Third Reich

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One Child Policy Enforcement

I wrote already about the “One Child Policy” in China. What I want to make absolute clear is that this is a policy of the Kommunist Party of China (KPC) and not a chinese law! There is no law in China which forbids families to have more then one child and so nobody can be forced by law to make an abortion when a woman is expecting her second child.

That much to the legal situation. But in China a policy of the KPC is much stronger than any law.

There is the Birth Control Bureau in China which is controlling the compliance of the One Child Policy. This Bureau has its own tactics to force people to obey the One Child Policy. It convinces women who are pregnant with their second Child to make an abortion, even in a state where the unborn child is already considered to be a human being in the western countries.

I just heard about one case where a worker from the Birth Control Bureau said:

This was an easy case, it took me only 20 days of talking to get the agreement for an abortion.

The woman was already high in her seventh month !

In another case the woman insisted in refusing to take an abortion but her younger brother was working for the government so they simply lowered his job until the woman finally agreed with an abortion.

Politicians, Churches and Human Rights Organisation criticize the situation of the human rights in China emphasizing on Tibet or the death penalty of criminals. But where is the lobby for an unknown number of unborn babies which are killed like this every year in China?

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Internet Barrier marks first innocent Victim

In France the Internet Barrier has marked its first innocent victim.

As can be read at in France the Webdesigner Jérôme Bourreau-Guggenheim lost his job at TF1 on of the biggest french TV enterprises after he privately criticised the bill for internet barriers (Loi HADOPI).

Mid of February he sent a private mail to his elected representative Françoise de Panafieu who forwarded the mail to the administration which is in charge of the HADOPI bill. Two month later he was called into the office of his boss who read his mail word by word in front of him and opened him that he was fired.

At the same time in Germany a Petition against the Internet Barrier bill is open for signature and was attended by nearly 70.000 signers within the first of three weeks. The comment of one politician was:

We know that there are about 200.000 pedophiles in Germany. This petition cannot stop our law.

At the same time the second reading of the bill in the Bundestag took place in a nearly empty plenum.

Let me ask only one question:

What has all this still to do with Democracy ?

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