Joke about EU request to stop internet filtering in China

This can only be a political joke!

I was pointed by the german and Die Neuen Menschen blogs to an article you can read in the news at N24 or Deutschlandradio about a statement from Viviane Reding, commissioner for media of the European Union, about the chinese internet filters.

“Das Blockieren oder Filtern bestimmter Internet-Inhalte ist für die Europäische Union völlig inakzeptabel.”

or in english translation:

“The blocking or filtering of certain internet content is completely inacceptable for the European Union.”

I mean the enforced distribution of the “Green Dam – Youth Escort” software is discussed in China as well and the installation is not mandatory any more as stated by the chinese government.

But I would suggest the European Union to first stop all internet filtering within the Union before pointing out that they think that internet filtering is inacceptable !!!

The internet citizens in Europe are laughing about this sentence. 😀

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