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Category Archives: Around the World
SPD und CDU wenden sich gegen ihre jungen Wähler
Eigentlich hatte ich meinen Blog begonnen weil ich meine Freunde und Verwandte in der ganzen Welt ein wenig auf dem Laufenden halten wollte wie es mir in China so ergeht und sie mit Bildern und Geschichten vom anderen Ende der … Continue reading
Verdict in Capitol Records v. Thomas-Rasset
In the second trial against Jammie Thomas-Rasset, mother of four children, the jury awarded the recording companies $1.92 million, $80,000 per uploaded song for 24 songs. Naturally the representative of the recording industry from the RIAA was happy about the … Continue reading
Nice to live in China
It is very nice to live in China! The weather during the last days on Hainan was around 34°C so you don’t have to freeze. The food is not expensive, even though I have no idea about the quality because … Continue reading
One Child Policy Enforcement
I wrote already about the “One Child Policy” in China. What I want to make absolute clear is that this is a policy of the Kommunist Party of China (KPC) and not a chinese law! There is no law in … Continue reading
I just came back from Guangzhou where I had to go for a week. Guangzhou is a city with about 10.5 mio. habitants and when you arrive there coming from Haikou the impression is that of a very busy and … Continue reading