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Category Archives: Around the World
Buying an iPhone in China
Lately it was the time that I had to replace my old PDA with something new because I dropped it one time too much on the floor. Because we had business in Shanghai and found a shop with “original” iPhones … Continue reading
Tropical Thunderstorms
When I arrived in Haikou a year ago my only experience with a tropical region has been 6 month on Martinique between my studies in physics and the start of my computer science studies. On Martinique the rainy season is … Continue reading
Joke about EU request to stop internet filtering in China
This can only be a political joke! I was pointed by the german and Die Neuen Menschen blogs to an article you can read in the news at N24 or Deutschlandradio about a statement from Viviane Reding, commissioner for … Continue reading
Posted in Around the World, China, Misc, Politics
Tagged censorship, internet, politics
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Politik der verbrannten Erde
Was sich derzeit in der deutschen Politik so abspielt läßt sich nur noch schwer mit einem Generationenkonflikt erklären. Ich möchte hier nicht noch einmal auf die Argumente gegen eine Vorratsdatenspeicherung oder eine Netzzensur eingehen wie sie in der letzten Zeit … Continue reading